Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The American Dream - Where did FREE Speech Go?

Every American needs to watch this video ... free speech ... we ain't got no stinkin' FREE Speech!

I did some research on this before posting and apparently, Sidney Hill, the gentleman with the sign can be annoying, in fact he spends a great deal of his time with various causes that annoy people ... and ... you know what ... that is his right as an AMERICAN.  Freedom of speech is our right whether it annoys you or not.

Just watch these BIG security guards detain this old man by throwing him to the ground and cuffing him ...

Remember last summer when President Obama became involved when black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.was arrested for disorderly conduct.  Obama, declared on national TV that the police had "acted stupidly." He even had a "beer summit" for goodness sake!

Said Obama after the highly anticipated, 40-minute chat on the Rose Garden patio: "I have always believed that what brings us together is stronger than what pulls us apart."

"I am confident that has happened here tonight, and I am hopeful that all of us are able to draw this positive lesson from this episode," said the nation's first black president.

Why didn't Mr. Obama have the burly security guards and Sidney over for a brew to have a Rose Garden chat?

Where is the American Dream?  I don't know anymore ... perhaps if Sidney Hill were black things would have happened differently?

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